Cammino Minerario Di Santa Barbara



Stage 22 - from Masainas to Candiani

  • Total Length19,4 km
  • Difficulty by FootMedium
  • Travel times6 hours and 30 minutes
  • How to arriveInfo and transportation
  • Climb up333 m
  • Climb down370 m

This stage goes from the plains of Lower Sulcis to the southern end of the south-western coast of Sardinia.

Fish ponds, white dunes and the beautiful Porto Pino beach add beauty to an itinerary in which there is no shortage of traces of the mines and evidence of the ancient history of this strip of Sardinia, with the Nuraghe Arresi dominating the town of Sant'Anna Arresi.

Safety and useful tips

As you leave Masainas, proceed towards Is Domus (hamlet of Sant'Anna Arresi), where you have to walk along some asphalted roads with limited traffic. In any case, pay attention to the presence of vehicular traffic.

Upon arriving in Sant'Anna Arresi, you need to cross a series of urban roads, so you must pay attention to traffic and crossings. In particular, when you leave Sant'Anna Arresi, you have to walk along a stretch of the SP 73 road until you reach the cemetery. Also in this case, make sure to pay attention to vehicular traffic.

Just before arriving in the hamlet of Is Cinus, you must cross once again the SP 73, therefore pay close attention to the crossing, which, in this stretch, sees high-speed vehicle transit.
