Cammino Minerario Di Santa Barbara



Stage 08 - From Arbus to Perd'e Pibera

  • Total Length10,0 km
  • Difficulty by FootEasy
  • Travel times5 hours
  • How to arriveInfo and transportation
  • Climb up120 m
  • Climb down158 m

The first part of the stage reaches the Campidano plain, where you can see the typical landscape of agricultural and livestock activities characterised by olive groves, almond groves and vast expanses of pasture land. You then enter the Linas mountain range, with its large forests and rich variety of mineral deposits.

Attention: there are no accommodation facilities in Perd'e Pibera so we recommend to sleep in Gonnosfanadiga

Safety and useful tips

The initial section runs along an urban route in Arbus, therefore watch out for vehicular traffic.

Immediately after the archaeological site of the Giants’ Grave of San Cosimo, the route proceeds to a ford on the Rio Terra Maistus. If weather conditions are bad and/or if the river course is in flood and fording is difficult, it is recommended to follow the alternative route (in red) that leads to the SP04 road.

The passage allows to bypass the ford and resume the route shortly afterwards. While crossing the SP04, make sure to pay attention to vehicular traffic.

Halfway along the route you have to pass through Gonnosfanadiga, where you also must pay attention to urban vehicular traffic.

Attention: there are no accommodation facilities in Perd'e Pibera so we recommend to sleep in Gonnosfanadiga
