Cammino Minerario Di Santa Barbara



Booking Posada di Buggerru

From here, you can book beds at the Posada di Buggerru. If you plan to use the “Leg’s go in cammino Women’s Edition” vouchers, you can use this form, booking one bed per person and entering your voucher code as a discount code.

Please remember that you can book independently at least 2 days in advance and that to access the facility, you must have the Pilgrim’s Credential. For last-minute bookings, please contact us by phone at 0781 24132 or through the emergency number.

If you wish to make a group booking, contact us through this form

Prenotazione Posadas

Cosa contengono i box?

Box cena: pane, mozzarella, insalata mista, pomodoro, frutta, passata di pomodoro, tonno, pasta

Box pranzo al sacco: pane, formaggio a fette, prosciutto cotto, pomodoro, frutta, succo di frutta

What do the boxes contain?

Dinner box: bread, mozzarella, mixed salad, tomato, fruit, tomato puree, tuna, pasta

Packed lunch box: bread, sliced ​​cheese, cooked ham, tomato, fruit, fruit juice