Cammino Minerario Di Santa Barbara
What other walkers say
(making a simple donation)
Stage 01
Total Length: 21,0 km
Difficulty by Foot: Medium
Travel times: 7 hours
Climb up: 753 m
Climb down: 797 m
There is a detour due to work in progress on the path after the Monastero del Buon Cammino, temporary signs are already present on site.
As of this first stage, we are walking on the most ancient limestone-dolomite rocks in Italy, on big deposits of lead, zinc and silver that have been the subject of intense mining activity for centuries. Straight away we are immersed in the great cultural, environmental and religious heritage of Sardinia.
From the medieval city of Iglesias to the town of Nebida, we encounter chapels, churches and places of worship dedicated to the patron saint of miners.
The passage in the sanctuary of the Madonna del Buon Cammino gives this first day a particular spiritual meaning.
On the average this stage is demanding, not so much for the length, as for the two uphill stretches that must be climbed in the first part of the walk in order to reach the Buon Cammino hilltop (341 masl) and the excavations of Cungiaus (323 masl).
Stage 02
Lunghezza: 9,3 km
Difficoltà: Media
Tempi di percorrenza: 3 ore e 20 minuti
Dislivello in salita: +371 m
Dislivello in discesa: –500 m
Sin dall’inizio di questa tappa superiamo alcuni impegnativi saliscendi e ci immergiamo nella bellezza del paesaggio costiero fino a giungere alle falesie calcaree di Masua.
Stage 03
Total Length: 19,3 km
Difficulty by Foot: Hard
Travel times: 7 hours
Climb up: 887 m
Climb down: 889 m
This is one of the most challenging stages of the Trail, especially because of the elevation gains.
The effort is compensated for by the extraordinary beauty of the coastal landscape and by the richness of the geological heritage:
In the area of Canal Grande, you can observe the fossil remains of the first life forms that appeared on the planet.
Also of interest are the examples of industrial archaeology: from the old railway, to the loading plant in Cala Domestica, up to the large excavation of Planu Sartu.
In Cala Domestica, you can stop at the Oasi Beach kiosk; the services offered are: catering, transfer service by jeep or dinghy, and guided tours. It is open daily until November 3rd, afterwards only on weekends.
(making a simple donation)
From Cagliari-Elmas Airport, direct train to Iglesias
From Cagliari station or bus station – bus line 801